Y19M08 Filler Words
Category: How To
May 06
Connecting With Your Audience
I believe that the art of giving a good speech is really being able to engage and make an impact on your audience with the content you have chosen to talk about. It’s about connection. I can remember a time, which seems not so long ago, when I was absolutely terrified of public speaking or …
Apr 28
Using Free Writing for Speech Ideas
A lot of people say they have difficulty coming up with ideas for speeches. They are wrong, of course. Get someone talking about their lives and within 5 minutes, they will probably provide ideas for a dozen speeches. When I was a kid, I read a biography of Charles M Schulz. In it, he was …
Apr 25
Ice Breakers for Public Speakers
At Toastmasters, we think of an “ice breaker” as the first speech that we give in the program. Of course, “ice breaker” has a more general meaning. Most people think of it as some kind of device used by a speaker to capture the audience’s attention. And it is in this regard that I want …