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- MeL Shows How to Evaluate a Speech — 2 comments
Apr 28
A lot of people say they have difficulty coming up with ideas for speeches. They are wrong, of course. Get someone talking about their lives and within 5 minutes, they will probably provide ideas for a dozen speeches. When I was a kid, I read a biography of Charles M Schulz. In it, he was …
Jan 29
So many Toastmasters showed up to this meeting that we are considering holding future meetings in MeL’s car. Okay, okay, it wasn’t that bad. In fact, it was a pretty good turn-out for a rainy day. Plus we had two guests, which always brightens things up. We are looking forward to having the whole gang …
Jan 29
Location Brookdale Paulin Creek Timing Start Time: 12:14 pm End Time: 1:05 pm Attendees 6 Members: President MeL Konrad, VP Education Brian Buckman, VP Membership Bert Rangel, Treasurer Mark Burchill, Secretary Frank Moraes, and Steve Domkowski. 2 Guest: Orlando, Geo. Roles President: MeL Konrad Toastmaster: Frank Moraes Table Topics: Brian Buckman Grammarian: MeL Konrad Ah …
Dec 14
Sergeant-at-arms Kelly read our mission and introduced Present MeL Konrad. She introduced our three returning guests: Deborah, Alisa, and Yana. And then there was a bunch of paper work so I didn’t really pay attention. Who knows what happened! MeL announced that we decided to drop the second November meeting because it was so close …
Dec 14
Location Brookdale Paulin Creek Timing Start Time: 12:12 pm End Time: 1:15 pm Attendees 7 Members: President MeL Konrad, VP Education Brian Buckman, VP Membership Bert Rangel, Sergeant Kelly Cunneen, Treasurer Mark Burchill, Secretary Frank Moraes, and Schell. 3 Guest: Deborah, Alisa, and Yana. Roles President: MeL Konrad Toastmaster: MeL Konrad Table Topics: Mark Burchill …
Dec 14
Start Time: 11:03 am Location: Brookdale Paulin Creek Presiding officer: President MeL Konrad Attendees: MeL Konrad, VP Education Brian Buckman, VP Membership Bert Rangel, Treasurer Mark Burchill, Sergeant Kelly Cunneen, and Secretary Frank Moraes. Previous Month’s Minutes: approved. Financial report: Mark sent out the financial report. We have 11 paid members. Dan Schell has returned …
Dec 04
Start Time: 11:04 am Location: Brookdale Paulin Creek Presiding officer: President MeL Konrad Attendees: MeL Konrad, VP Education Brian Buckman, nominated VP Public Relations Anna Wong, VP Membership Bert Rangel, Treasurer Mark Burchill, Sergeant Kelly Cunneen, and Secretary Frank Moraes. Previous Month’s Minutes: approved. Financial report: Mark sent out the financial report and the quarterly …
Oct 29
Location Brookdale Paulin Creek Timing Start Time: 12:12 pm End Time: 1:12 pm Attendees 8 Members: President MeL Konrad, VP Education Brian Buckman, VP Public Relations Anna Wong, VP Membership Bert Rangel, Sergeant Kelly Cunneen, Treasurer Mark Burchill, Secretary Frank Moraes, and Steve Domkowski. 2 Guests: TM Thea Daniels and Charlie Roles President: MeL Konrad …
Oct 22
This post is mostly just to show, more or less, what we can do with video at the meetings. This one shows our president, MeL Konrad, evaluating a speech by Brian Buckman. Sadly, I didn’t have the camera running when Brian gave his speech. But as I said, this is mostly just a test. It …